// harley, funny

Looking back on this weekend it seemed I had a lot of stuff going, but it didn’t seem that busy.

Saturday morning I spent at Great Falls Park with the rest of the students from my Photography class. I have a nice camera, and I finally decided I should really learn how to use it, so I took some of the tax money this year and enrolled in a no-credit class. I’ve only had one class and one field trip, but I’ve learned a lot about my camera. We spent the time out at Great Falls taking different pictures of whatever we felt like; we just had to use the select aperture settings and shutter speed assigned by the teacher. I pick up my slides tonight. I’m rather excited to see how they turned out.

The rest of the day was spent getting the top of my poor old bald head fried while waiting to get Sarah’s soccer pictures taken (I thought it was in the gym like last year, but nooooo....), and then Gail and the kids went to the Rainforest Cafe for a birthday party that evening. I hung out with Jeff playing Playstation. Gail and the kids came back later, and more people showed up at Jeff and Marcia’s. The evening progressed into a couple of beer runs, a run to get some food, and me feeling like I’d be better off at home. So I collected the kids, left Gail to chat awhile, and I went home to bed.

Sunday was a nice day so Jeff and I decided to go for a ride on the bikes. Kerry Ann saw us heading out and asked if she could come. She hopped on the back of Jeff’s Vulcan and off we went to West Virginia.

Talk about a beautiful ride. The day was cloudy, and for awhile I thought we might get some rain, but for the most part it held off. The road we took out to West Virginia was a two-lane twister through the Blue Ridge Mountains that was just perfect for a bike. We got to the town of Ranson, WV, and decided to grab a drink and sit for a bit.

Now, here’s where the day became a bit surreal.

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// harley

You've seen the the people I'm talking about; the idiots who feel the need to drive while talking animatedly on the phone, or who are trying to eat. Women who put on makeup, men who shave. I've seen both in the last week. Nothing irritates me more than idiots in the driver's seat.

Yesterday, however, I was the idiot.

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Naturally, one of the main "hot topics" for today is Janet Jackson's Peek-a-Boob "faux-pas" during the Super Bowl halftime show. Obviously, the media has had a field day, with all sorts of articles hyping on the "accidental" exposure that Justin Timberlake caused by ripping off the right part of her bodice.

What amuses me is that this was supposed to be an accident. This wasn't staged, and everyone involved is apologizing up and down for it. But geez, wasn't anyone watching? At the end, when Timberlake had his hand wrapping around Janet's waist, and then slid up, grabbed the material and pulled? Sure, she looked surprised, but maybe she's just a good actress. Or maybe Timberlake was seeing if it really was Janet, and not her brother Michael. Regardless, I have to think it was staged...mostly because most women I know don't wear a nipple shield under their clothes. (Link is NOT safe for work, children, small dogs, etc...) You'll also notice in the picture that the outfit Ms. Jackson is wearing has snaps in the bra cups. Convenient, eh?

Oh, and she has a new single coming out as well...and according to the press release, it's spreading "like wildfire". Funny, considering the timestamp on the article shows that it was published even before the game was over.

Coincidence? I think not. Staged? Most likely...

Other than that bit of excitement, the weekend over all was good. Aside from the afore mentioned Super Bowl party at Jeff and Marcia's, the kids and I had a lock-in at the YMCA Saturday night with the Indian Guides (or, as known now, the Adventure Guides. Apparently, honoring the Native American way of life, and reverence to all things nature wasn't "politically correct" so they had to change the name. Now, instead of "Great Spirit" it's "The Creator's...". But I digress...). We basically had the run of the place from closing until the next morning. We swam in the pool (or the kids did at least), shot baskets in the gym, watched movies, and ran around acting like idiots. Good fun! As a bonus, Gail managed to have a "girls night out" with some friends. They went to dinner, and a movie and had a great time. She was so happy and relaxed when we got home Sunday morning. I'll have to try and make sure she has more evenings like that.

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// personal

I'm going to have to get used to writing in a journal/blog again. I kinda fell off of writing long entries like I used to, as it seemed the LiveJournal just wasn't really the place for it all. I currently have my own account, but I've always seen LJ as more of a "see what I've got" as opposed to "here's what's going on in my life" type of stage. There are several others who use it to spill out the details of their life, and that's fine. I will be keeping it, but I think just for the ability to post in other's journals, as well as placing the odd link now and then.

Oh, and I like my LJ Icon, so I have to keep that too.

I'm still working on getting the site to look the way I want, as well as getting used to pMachine as a journaling tool. Then there's the website I'm trying to do for my friend Marcia's work. And my other website, Harleyroads (which is currently in the garage for a tune up, and has been for months now. How embarrassing...). I also want to try my hand at "modding"...I've been surfing the Bit-Tech forums for weeks now, and want to get my hands dirty.

And speaking of getting my hands dirty, every time I watch American Chopper, I want to go weld/grind/build/paint/throw stuff around. I need a hobby that doesn't involve computers, and something that requires using a welding torch sounds like good fun to me!

// misc

One of the things I've decided I need to do is to follow through on some of my ideas, complete projects in a decent amount of time, and generally get things done. I've been wanting to try modding my own PC case, and have been reading forums and how-to's, and I've even gone so far as to strip a case I had lying around down to the bare bones. But I haven't ever bothered to start the actual work.

The reason I bring this up is because of a site I recently saw. The Mushroom House is the creation of a guy (aptly named "Zube") who came up with the idea in the late '70s. It's an incredible piece of work, with detail that's just astounding. The house itself, interior and exterior, reminds me of a hobbit hole, and the whole "nature" motif is carried throughout the house.

Obviously Zube (I love saying that name) must have had an incredible passion, for this took 22 years to complete. The only thing I've done for 22 years is breathe. I'd like to have this kind of determination and desire to have such a vision, and decide to do it, however out of this world the idea might seem.