// misc
  • Driving around the DMV has gotten worse. People are not paying attention, feel more entitled, or too absorbed in their phones. Every time I'm out now, I witness something ridiculous; people running red lights, not stopping at stop signs, swerving all over the roads. Every. Time.
  • Been playing bachelor this Fourth of July weekend, as the wife has gone back to AZ to visit family and friends. Her mom messaged a few weeks back saying her dad wanted to see her. Her dad is in his 80s and when someone that old wants to see you, you go.
  • As no one's around to tell me what to eat, the first day she was gone I had three bowls of cereal. That's pretty much all I ate that day.
  • I took Friday and Monday off so I'm enjoying doing pretty much the same old thing, but for a long extended weekend. Today will involve vacuums.
  • Took my drone (no affiliate link) up and watched some of the neighborhood fireworks that way. Was pretty cool to view the bursts from "eye-level". Will do it again next year.
  • Work is essentially back to normal. No more "unassigned" tickets in the backlog. I think we can finally call that monster of a project that ate up 4 months of my life done.