// personal

Between standing for hours on end at the state HOG rally, Jeff and Marcia’s wedding (at which I was a groomsman), dancing at the reception afterwards, having Cody walk on my back and then jump off, and picking up a 21in monitor, I torqued my back somehow. Went to the doctor yesterday, and he gave me some muscle relaxers, but they don’t seem to be helping much. I ended up getting up at 3am to sleep in the recliner with the heating pad.

// misc

The Matrix Reloaded opened last night in my neighborhood theater. I bought tickets a week ago when I heard they were having "preview" showings, and myself and 6 of my friends all went.

I also won a drawing here at work where I get to go see it tonight for free, and as a team, we're going tomorrow afternoon to see it as well. Good thing I liked it. :)

In other news, I think I've actually settled on a major. I think I'm going to go for a Psychology major, with a minor in Film and Media Studies. Why Film and Media? I've always loved movies, love the Internet, and find the way the media in general can manipulate the public thought process fascinating and disturbing. That interest should tie in nicely with the Psych degree.

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// family

One of the things Gail and I have been dealing with the past few weeks/months now is Cody's lying. For some reason, he's been lying about anything and everything and it's the stupidest stuff he lies about. A lot of it deals with school work, but the truly annoying lies are ones such as him lying about whether he used toothpaste on his toothbrush, used shampoo, silly stuff like that. It just gets SO old. He'd been saying that the reason he missed "Whacky Wednesday" (a free time for the kids that earn it at school) the past two weeks in a row was because he hadn't received a handout that was due. He's telling us that for two weeks the teacher hasn't given him the paper when she passes it out, but that she's been giving it to all the other kids.


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