// geek, family

Gail's lost.

I'm sitting here at her desk at her work, waiting for her to come get me. The original plan was for her to drop me off here, I was going to update a computer here, and while I was doing that she was going to go to an art supply store and get some clay. She called about 45 minutes ago, saying she had gotten lost, but was on her way back finally. Then she called again about 5 minutes ago. She'd gotten herself even more lost, and was hungry and grouchy. I'm sure it didn't help I was laughing at her. At least the kids were asleep.

So I'm sitting her at her desk, using her computer to update my journal. At least she has a net connection here.

// misc

Damn, it's cold outside!

Thought it was supposed to start getting warmer as the month progressed, not colder! I think I did more riding in the month of January than I have in the month of March. That's messed up.

Well, regardless of the weather, it was a nice weekend. Gail and I went to the Opera on Friday night and had a good time. Then on Saturday night, we went to an Italian restaurant called Maggianos. Damn, talk about good food. I think I have a new favorite restaurant.

Other than that, it was a quiet weekend. Jeff and I are starting to plan for our Sturgis trip in August. Can't wait!

// geek

I am so good at breaking things.

I was working on getting the forum up and running on my Harley site. I'm changing everything over to PHP, but somehow, while uploading one of my pages, I killed the webserver. No problem, I can restart that. Restart it, go and check the url, that works fine. Go to load a php page, and it hangs. Back to the main index page. It hangs.


Seth's in London right now, and I think it's a good thing. See, I'm hosting my Harley site, as well as this one, on his machine. So I break something, he's likely to be upset with me. Hopefully, when he gets back (or reads my email) he'll be able to show me what I did wrong.

// harley, geek

Cold ride in this morning. Yup, back on the bike. Was supposed to go on a poker run this weekend, but that was cancelled. Riding to our meeting point early on Saturday morning, it was cold and way foggy. Because of the chill, I ended up getting some chaps. Now I have warm legs. Hooray for me.

Spent yesterday washing my bike, then my buddy Jeff and I took the kids to Best Buy. We picked up some network cards, and some cables, and hooked my two machines up together. Now we can play Starcraft!!! Hooray for us.

Today, I'm going to try and get my voting script and my forum working on my Harleyroads site. We'll see how that goes. I imagine I'll end up banging my head in frustration more often than not.

// misc

Welp. It's been awhile. I was hosting my personal site under the Harleyroads.com domain, but in December I let that lapse because I didn't want to pay another 100+ bucks.

My brother Seth said he was going to be able to host my site(s), so I just cancelled the service and waited. I created a new look for the site while waiting, and while there's still some stuff to do, I like the layout and look, and can hopefully stick with this one for awhile (I'm really bad at sticking to a layout...)

Now hopefully I can get back into the habit of using Blogger to write my thoughts down.