// Socials

Not much in the way of Social Media this week. Only this picture from Twitter and Mastodon (8/3)


Twitter: After reading about the latest indictments of Trump, it’s very hard to stop myself from jumping into the feeds of people I know who voted for him and say “How’s that working out for you?” (7/28)

Well, as far as rebrandings go, I think Twitter's X is about the bottom of the barrel in terms of innovation, design, messaging, etc. (7/24)

Instagram: Trying to get the photo off Instasgram and dropped here is annoying on my iPad, so I'll just leave a link.

When collecting the past posts from my previous blogs, I noticed a huge gap, between 2009 and 2016. It doesn't take a genius to realize that's when I started posting heavily on social media. It was mostly Facebook then, but there were a scattering of Twitter posts throughout those years as well. I joined both Facebook and Twitter in 2008, and the posting to the respective platforms ramped up from there. And now there's Instagram, YouTube, Mastodon, Threads, etc.

To be frank, most of the posts are crap. A lot of the "Go Steelers!", or "Man, sure is nice outside today!" variety. But there are some important things in there I want to keep. When we found out my daughter had cancer. Some nice posts on anniversaries. Stuff like that.

To bring everything "in house" as it were, I'm going to start collecting those posts I've made on the various social media sites and posting them here on Sundays. I probably won't include replies, unless it's a thread I'll want to revisit later. I'll avoid duplicates as well, as I tend to copy things from Twitter to Mastodon in my attempt to move over to the latter more. I haven't decided if I'm going to post any media that might have been with the post either, outside of Instagram, obviously.

Overall it'll be mostly the (hopefully) poignant and (probably moreso) irrelavant thoughts I've had throughout the week.

So, to get started:


@USPS says my package will be here by 9. Also says it's still in Indiana. It's about a 9-hour drive from there to here. So... color me skeptical. (06/19)


Wanted to check the demo of the Max Mega Menu plug-in for Wordpress. Clicking the demo link popped up a notification that the website wanted to open FaceTime. 
Nope. Guess which plug-in I won’t be using whatsoever. (06/17)

A pox on the people blowing off fireworks at midnight in the ‘hood. 4th was two weeks ago, you doorknobs. (06/16)


Currently deactivated


No posts


Did I need yet another social media platform to stick my nose into? No. I'm here hoping it's less awful than the bird (06/09 - cheating a bit as this is outsde the 1 week roundup, but it is the very first post on Threads and if I start posting there more often, it'd be nice to have it recorded here)