// books

For most of my adult years, I've leaned towards Sci-Fi and Fantasy for my genre of choice when it comes to books. I love the imaginative worlds brought forth to light, the science and the magic of it all. And I'm all for being creative when it comes to naming characters, but I always scowl a bit when an author tries to get a bit too clever when coming up with a name.

I'm currently reading A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon. My Kindle says I'm 61% of the way through the book and I'm thouroughly enjoying it. And while Ms. Shannon has given names to most of her characters that are acceptable and easy to grasp the sound of, there's one here that basically has me stumped: Jrhanyam.

I looked at that and read it as "Junior Han Yam" and now it's stuck in my head that way. I like unique names, but I like unique, pronounceable names, please and thank you.

// Socials

Not much in the way of Social Media this week. Only this picture from Twitter and Mastodon (8/3)
