// personal

I'm going to have to get used to writing in a journal/blog again. I kinda fell off of writing long entries like I used to, as it seemed the LiveJournal just wasn't really the place for it all. I currently have my own account, but I've always seen LJ as more of a "see what I've got" as opposed to "here's what's going on in my life" type of stage. There are several others who use it to spill out the details of their life, and that's fine. I will be keeping it, but I think just for the ability to post in other's journals, as well as placing the odd link now and then.

Oh, and I like my LJ Icon, so I have to keep that too.

I'm still working on getting the site to look the way I want, as well as getting used to pMachine as a journaling tool. Then there's the website I'm trying to do for my friend Marcia's work. And my other website, Harleyroads (which is currently in the garage for a tune up, and has been for months now. How embarrassing...). I also want to try my hand at "modding"...I've been surfing the Bit-Tech forums for weeks now, and want to get my hands dirty.

And speaking of getting my hands dirty, every time I watch American Chopper, I want to go weld/grind/build/paint/throw stuff around. I need a hobby that doesn't involve computers, and something that requires using a welding torch sounds like good fun to me!

// misc

One of the things I've decided I need to do is to follow through on some of my ideas, complete projects in a decent amount of time, and generally get things done. I've been wanting to try modding my own PC case, and have been reading forums and how-to's, and I've even gone so far as to strip a case I had lying around down to the bare bones. But I haven't ever bothered to start the actual work.

The reason I bring this up is because of a site I recently saw. The Mushroom House is the creation of a guy (aptly named "Zube") who came up with the idea in the late '70s. It's an incredible piece of work, with detail that's just astounding. The house itself, interior and exterior, reminds me of a hobbit hole, and the whole "nature" motif is carried throughout the house.

Obviously Zube (I love saying that name) must have had an incredible passion, for this took 22 years to complete. The only thing I've done for 22 years is breathe. I'd like to have this kind of determination and desire to have such a vision, and decide to do it, however out of this world the idea might seem.