// personal

Going into the new year, I've been thinking about resolutions and accomplishments. I have a list of things I'd like to achieve this year, and I thought I would write them down here so I can revisit at the end of the year.


  • Exercise more. Not necessarily to lose weight (though lord knows I have a lot of weight I could lose), but just to be more mobile. Less sitting in front of the devices and more moving the limbs.
  • Break the habit of eating while watching sitcoms. I can finish a sandwich in 10 minutes, but I have 15 more minutes of sitcom to watch, so I feel the need to find something else to eat while finishing the show. Stop it.
  • Get outside. I work from home and spend a lot of time indoors. I need more fresh air!
  • Look into therapy. I believe my mental state deteriotated during the pandemic and never fully recovered. It might be beneficial to talk to someone about things


  • Get at least one of the following projects done:
    • Redo upstairs bathroom
    • Paint main floor
    • New counters, backsplash, paint, and bar for the kitchen
    • De-junglefy the backyard
    • Replace driveway


(wasn't sure how to title this one)

  • Become more of an "anti-capitalist".
    • Attempt to repair/upgrade before buying new.
    • Don't fall prey to needing the "latest and greatest"
    • If I do need to purchase something (big ticket items), research for reliability and longevity
  • Ignore Social Media

    • deleted twitter
    • deleted tiktok (beat the gov't)
    • greatly reduced my facebook interactions, be it posting or even just visiting
    • greatly reduced my instagram interaction

    I'm sure there are many others I could (and should) reach for, but this is a start. I might revisit this post as I think of other things to add.

// personal

I've been wanting to write for the past two months. I've been wanting to keep a cheerful outlook (as tough as that is), and everything I've written about has been full of gloom and doom. As a result, I have ended up deleting several posts.

So, with that said, let me just say, I hope you have a happy, healthy, and positive year. Peace.

// misc, personal
  • The spark of creativity has fizzled. Which is fine, as I've come to accept that it comes and goes.
  • It does leave several projects I had in progress or wanted to work on up in the air.
  • These included a new backend for this site (considering going to Statamic, and a completely new website dedicated to electronic music.
  • Instead of productive creativity, my brain is currently absorbed by slither.io. Talk about a fruitless endeavor. It is fun though, and not every moment needs to be filled with being creative.
  • These are lessons I've only really come to understand here in my mid 50s.
  • Mid 50s. Fuck I'm old.
  • In other news, the wife and I spent three nights out last week. For two people who tend to stay within their comfort zone, this was pretty amazing.
  • We went downtown to see Sarah and meet her boyfriend. We had dinner at Georgia Brown's. In a word: divine.
  • That was Monday. Tuesday, the Mrs. and I were back in DC to see the Nationals lose to the Rockies. Had a really good time and given how easy it is to get downtown now, we've decided we need to try to get to at least one more game before the season ends.
  • Wednesday we went to a brewery for their "One-hit Wonders" music trivia. Again, great time, and gave me ideas for my own music trivia, which was on...
  • Sunday, I hosted music trivia for the wine club at the winery the Mrs. works at on weekends. It was the first time I've done music-related trivia (I host trivia in a non-music format twice a month there), and it went over like gangbusters. From the patrons to the staff, I had nothing but compliments about what a good time they had and even praised my music selection. I'm very much looking forward to doing more music trivia type events.
  • This probably should've been a regular blog posting and not a list, but oh well.
// misc
  • Driving around the DMV has gotten worse. People are not paying attention, feel more entitled, or too absorbed in their phones. Every time I'm out now, I witness something ridiculous; people running red lights, not stopping at stop signs, swerving all over the roads. Every. Time.
  • Been playing bachelor this Fourth of July weekend, as the wife has gone back to AZ to visit family and friends. Her mom messaged a few weeks back saying her dad wanted to see her. Her dad is in his 80s and when someone that old wants to see you, you go.
  • As no one's around to tell me what to eat, the first day she was gone I had three bowls of cereal. That's pretty much all I ate that day.
  • I took Friday and Monday off so I'm enjoying doing pretty much the same old thing, but for a long extended weekend. Today will involve vacuums.
  • Took my drone (no affiliate link) up and watched some of the neighborhood fireworks that way. Was pretty cool to view the bursts from "eye-level". Will do it again next year.
  • Work is essentially back to normal. No more "unassigned" tickets in the backlog. I think we can finally call that monster of a project that ate up 4 months of my life done.
// work

Another work related one, and given that's all I've seemingly been doing lately (as per my last post), then that's what you're going to get.

Ran into this bit of code today:

.p-noborder > .p-tabview .p-tabview-panels {
  border: 0 !important;

.p-noborder > .p-tabview .p-tabview-panels {
  border: 0 !important;

Exact same code, and right next to each other in the file. According to GitLens, one was from 2 years ago, the other 3 years.

Job security, am I right?

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