My name is Shad (my initials are S.K.I., hence the domain) and I’m fully aware that a shad is a type of fish. Deep-bodied herring to be more precise. I'm currently in my mid-50s (yikes) and live in the V of the DMV. An Arizona native, we moved out here in the late 90s when I worked for AOL (RIP). is collection of blog posts that have spanned nearly 20 years now. I’ve been blogging since before it was called such, but not consistently (facebook, anyone?). I started with a webpage whose layout was determined by table tags, and manually updated every time I added an entry. Then I discovered Greymatter, and realized the power of such a system.

Since then, I’ve dabbled with Expression Engine (which was pMachine when I started using it), Blogger, LiveJournal, Hugo, Wordpress(natch), CraftCMS, Jekyll, and Ghost. All are great platforms with their pros and cons.

After being on Jekyll for a spell, I've opted to switch back to Grav. I never can seem to be satisfied with just leaving well enough alone. If nothing else, I'm well rounded when it comes to various CMS's. Grav is also a flat-file CMS, like Jekyll is, so there's that at least.

I tend to write about music, or geeky stuff, or photography, or writing, or, you know, whatever else might strike my fancy. This site isn’t tied into any one topic (though others will certainly bubble up to the top more often), and I hope to explore many options.

Comments are currently turned off, as I a) don’t have enough of an audience to make it worth my time, and b) in trying to keep things as simple and stripped down as possible, it’s just one less thing I have to worry about. If you really feel the need to get in touch, I’m on Twitter (RIP 12/2023) I'm on Mastodon, as well as Bluesky and Threads (Gotta catch them all!). Also, there’s no tracking. I don’t run ads, and the blog here is mostly for me. If tracking ever becomes part of, there will be the typical “I respect your privacy, won’t sell your email address” kind of messaging.

So welcome to the site of a guy who has too many interests and hobbies to do any of them justice, and who uses parentheses way too often.

Last edited: 03/07/2024