// misc, holiday

Yet another Thanksgiving, come and gone.

We had a nice day. My brother came over, my mother in law and Gail cooked all day, we ate, played some board games, ate s'more. Generally, stuffed our faces.

Interesting weekend. Saturday morning, at about 1:30 am, I was awaken by a boom outside. I sat up and said "What the hell was that?" and it must've woken Gail up too, 'cause she answered me with "It came from outside. And I hear voices too." So I got up, and peeked out the window. Took me a minute to figure out what I was seeing was the neighbors car on fire across the street. Naturally, I had to get up and go outside to watch. The fire department wasn't even there yet, so just to make sure, Gail called 911. The next day, the car was just this slag, looks like it's gonna take a putty knife to get all the melted fiberglass off the driveway. At least no one was hurt.

Saw a couple of movies over the long weekend. First one was Unbreakable. The second was the X-Men which we rented. That rocked. As a comic book and X-Men fan, I thought they did a good job.

// misc, holiday

Not much happening. Tomorrow's Turkey Day. Or, as it seems all the sitcoms seem fond of pointing out, "The Rape Of The Native American" Day. I've seen no less than three shows that mention how poorly the white man has treated Native Americans. Geezus, we're still doing it now. Gail was telling me of a tribe that the government won't recognize. Without government recognition, they cannot open a casino on their reservation. And heaven forbid they find a way to support themselves.



OK, sorry about that. Personally, I'm looking forward to stuffing my face full of food tomorrow. And I plan on enjoying it too!!!

The weather's finally getting cold here. Lit a fire in the fireplace for the first time (well, since we've owned the house anyways). Happy to report I didn't burn the place down.

Cody had his birthday party this Saturday. It was actually a lot of fun, even if some of the kids were on the hyper side. Gail organized a treasure hunt of sorts, with the treasure being the kids goody bags. Cody's party was set to a Harry Potter theme, so Gail made the treasure hunt go into rooms the book had. Cody's was Gryffendor Tower, or something like that. The final stop on the hunt was the "Whomping Willow". Whatever that is in the book, I don't know. But I got to play the part of the Whomping Willow, and as far as I'm concerned, if I get to whomp kids, that's fine by me!

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// hobbies, movies

Finally saw The Perfect Storm last night. Gail loved that movie so much when she saw it in the theaters, she bought it as soon as it was available on DVD. It's rare that I buy a movie I haven't seen before, but this was a good one. I really enjoyed the story, and the special effects rocked.

After work I get to go to Maryland: First, to pick up a treadmill from my office spouse Heidi, then to my friend Jon's. Mostly to stop in and say hi, but he's also going to loan me all of his darkroom equipment. I've been wanting to get into photography for awhile, however, I've just never had the resources. Jon's a font of resources though. I have his helmet, along with his Dazzle, and now his darkroom equipment. Maybe he should just move in.

// misc

Man, slippery tubs sucks. I was in the shower this morning, and the wife hopped in. As I was maneuvering around so she could get under the shower head, I slipped, both feet going out from under me at the same time.

Naturally, I was against the shower curtain, and not the wall when I did this. Went ass backwards right out of the shower, hit my back against the corner of the counter, and flopped on down to the bathroom floor, where I managed not to yell out all sorts of obscenities.

Now I have a wonderful cut/bruise up my back (about 4 inches long...damn sharp counter top!) and it hurts to rotate my right arm around, as it's sore. Geezus, I tell ya, when it rains, it pours.