// personal

One year ago, I was sitting in my manager's office watching the news unfold on the TV. The astonishment that someone could actually run into one of the tallest buildings in the world. Then the chilling horror as the second plane hit the other building. By this time, a crowd was in my managers office watching. I will never forget the collective gasp that went up when the second plane hit, and everyone realized that this was no accident.

My brother lives in New York city. He had a job interview scheduled for 9am at the World Trade Center complex. Thankfully, my brother has never been able to get up early to save his life (and I guess, it might have), and had rescheduled it for 2pm that afternoon. He actually slept through the crashes until a friend of his called to check on him. He got online and IM'd me to let me know he was ok.

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