// family, travel

The end of the school year is the herald of vacation for millions of people across America, and so it is with my family clan this year, 2004. It’s not often we get to travel on vacations together, with either myself or Gail having to work, but this year, with the help of generous in-laws, we all managed to take time together to fly out to visit family and friends. It was also a time to reacquaint ourselves with the majesty that is the Southwest.

After a 2 hour delay, we arrived in Phoenix at midnight local time, meaning it was 3 a.m. back home. The kids (and adults) were exhausted. Fortunately my aunt and uncle were there to pick us up and usher us sleepy travelers to their house, with soft beds and the promise of not needing to be up before lunchtime. Naturally, my internal clock decided that 6a.m. was plenty of sleep-in time, so I was awake with the roosters.

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