For some reason, "Classical Gas", that catchy guitar piece by Mason Williams has been in my WinAmp player a lot lately. I have versions done by Chet Atkins, California Guitar Trio, and The Boston Pops. I just can't get enough of this song at the moment.

Spent the weekend either riding or cleaning. And getting my butt whooped at Starcraft. I packed the bike and did a quick 100 mile run, getting the kinks outta the packing job. Don't want to have a load shift on me as I'm doing 70mph down a freeway somewhere. That wouldn't be good!!

Countdown - 2 days, 21 hours, 35minutes.

And it'll probably seem like 2 days, 21 hours, and 350000 minutes.

// harley

One week and counting!

So much to do. Have to get my crap together and pack it on the bike. I want to make a run this Saturday with everything on the bike so I know what kind of load I'm traveling with. I need to get some tools together. Rig a water bottle holder. Find someone to take care of the cat.

Get money. Woo...get a tattoo with the money. Maybe in Sturgis :) For those that don't know what Sturgis is...well, you can write me!

// misc

whew Long time no post. No real reason for lack of updates. I can do this from work, from home, from anywhere I have net access. That's the wonderful thing about Blogger, I can update from pretty much anywhere. is coming along. I'm halfway through my models section. Once I get that up, I'll probably open the site, and then finish it as I go. I'm getting excited about it.

Otherwise, it's the same old same old. Kids and I are going down to my moms for the 4th of July weekend. Gail is staying here to work at her part time job, full time. She took a weeks vacation from her full time to work full time at the part time, while her part time boss(es) go on vacation.

Get all that? :)