// poker

My friend Bill and I have been playing poker together for a number of years now, usually with the same core group of people with a few “outsiders” mixed in now and then for variety (and to fill an empty spot on the table). Bill is an excellent poker player. He counts cards, knows the odds, and can do some impressive calculations in his head. So it’s the rule more than the exception that he generally walks away from the table ahead for the night.

Last night we had an impromptu poker game and instead of our usual five-dollar buy-in and dealer’s choice, we made it ten dollars and just straight Texas Hold ‘Em. You might know the game from the popular World Series of Poker tour on ESPN, as well as The Travel Channel’s World Poker Tour.

We’ve played this a few times and Bill usually comes out the winner, not surprising considering his skills with the cards. And last night it came down to the two of us. Jeff, after losing his stack had left and gone home early. Christy, who was next out, stayed and was our dealer for awhile (thanks again Christy!). Eventually she had to go home as well. This turned out to be the latest we’ve ever played. Christy threw in the towel around 2:30 this morning.

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// misc

Hurricane Charley, which originally was supposed to be quite the downpour, turned out to be nothing more than an afternoon of soft, steady rain. Today has been beautiful, with a slight breeze and a very comfortable 75 degrees. I should be outside mowing the lawn and such, but yard work is yard work.

With Gail being gone (she’s out in Arizona visiting her parents and then she’ll be back with the kids on Thursday), I’ve been mostly just hanging out and watching TV. Being a slug in other words. Before leaving, Gail instructed Marcia to take me shopping at J.C. Penny’s, as they are having a sale. I actually bought clothes for myself. Which is odd; I never buy clothes for myself.

Hopefully the problems with the hardware that hosts my website has been fixed. Apparently the hard drive went south, and after that was replaced, the RAID controller went. Lots of fun.

It would appear that storms of all sorts have to be weathered.

// family, harley

I’ve been meaning to write about our most recent trip back to Arizona for my grandmother’s funeral service, but work, along with other miscellaneous things, kept getting in the way. As usual.

The service was very nice. My Uncle Eddie got up and talked about my grandmother’s life, and much of it I’d never even heard. How she eloped with my grandfather. How she wasn’t allowed to be married while in Nursing School, and when word reached the administration that she was married, how she was expelled. It was like discovering a whole different side of my grandmother.

My cousin Kim, being the oldest of the grandchildren, was next to speak. She took all of our memories of summers spent at Nana’s and recounted them to the people at the service. It was wonderful and emotional and I miss her even more after listening to everything I’d forgotten. If I can get Kim to send me what she wrote, I’ll post it here.

Aside from the services, it was really a nice time. It was great seeing all my family together again, and I had a good time catching up with everyone. My in-laws were coming through town on the day of the service, so they brought the kids (who have been staying with my in-laws since the end of June) and Gail and I got to visit a bit.

I also got to drive my Aunt Nadine’s Mercedes SL 500. Ooooh my. Talk about a damn cool car. It’s a hardtop convertible, and when the top is down, it’s just sweet.

Gail and I also made it to Chandler Harley-Davidson, where we got to see some of the new models. She also sat on a Duece again, and is now looking at accessories for one like she was getting it. Just the fact that she’s thinking of getting one makes me all a-tingle. First thing’s first: the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class!!!

// family

Looks like I’ll be heading back to Arizona a lot sooner than expected. My mom called last night to let me know that my grandmother had passed away.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that we got to spend time with her just this past month. It was wonderful to see her, and she seemed in great health and spirit. I guess that’s why when my mom called to tell me the news, it came as such a shock. I think I’m still in a bit of shock. It certainly hasn’t sunk in yet.

After the service, my mom and aunt (and uncle I’m assuming) will be taking my grandmothers ashes, along with my grandfathers (who died 18 years ago) to South Dakota, where she grew up. There they’ll bury her in the Black Hills, which is beautiful country indeed. It’ll be a good final resting spot.

God Bless Nana. I sure will miss you.

// family, travel

The end of the school year is the herald of vacation for millions of people across America, and so it is with my family clan this year, 2004. It’s not often we get to travel on vacations together, with either myself or Gail having to work, but this year, with the help of generous in-laws, we all managed to take time together to fly out to visit family and friends. It was also a time to reacquaint ourselves with the majesty that is the Southwest.

After a 2 hour delay, we arrived in Phoenix at midnight local time, meaning it was 3 a.m. back home. The kids (and adults) were exhausted. Fortunately my aunt and uncle were there to pick us up and usher us sleepy travelers to their house, with soft beds and the promise of not needing to be up before lunchtime. Naturally, my internal clock decided that 6a.m. was plenty of sleep-in time, so I was awake with the roosters.

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