Naturally, one of the main "hot topics" for today is Janet Jackson's Peek-a-Boob "faux-pas" during the Super Bowl halftime show. Obviously, the media has had a field day, with all sorts of articles hyping on the "accidental" exposure that Justin Timberlake caused by ripping off the right part of her bodice.

What amuses me is that this was supposed to be an accident. This wasn't staged, and everyone involved is apologizing up and down for it. But geez, wasn't anyone watching? At the end, when Timberlake had his hand wrapping around Janet's waist, and then slid up, grabbed the material and pulled? Sure, she looked surprised, but maybe she's just a good actress. Or maybe Timberlake was seeing if it really was Janet, and not her brother Michael. Regardless, I have to think it was staged...mostly because most women I know don't wear a nipple shield under their clothes. (Link is NOT safe for work, children, small dogs, etc...) You'll also notice in the picture that the outfit Ms. Jackson is wearing has snaps in the bra cups. Convenient, eh?

Oh, and she has a new single coming out as well...and according to the press release, it's spreading "like wildfire". Funny, considering the timestamp on the article shows that it was published even before the game was over.

Coincidence? I think not. Staged? Most likely...

Other than that bit of excitement, the weekend over all was good. Aside from the afore mentioned Super Bowl party at Jeff and Marcia's, the kids and I had a lock-in at the YMCA Saturday night with the Indian Guides (or, as known now, the Adventure Guides. Apparently, honoring the Native American way of life, and reverence to all things nature wasn't "politically correct" so they had to change the name. Now, instead of "Great Spirit" it's "The Creator's...". But I digress...). We basically had the run of the place from closing until the next morning. We swam in the pool (or the kids did at least), shot baskets in the gym, watched movies, and ran around acting like idiots. Good fun! As a bonus, Gail managed to have a "girls night out" with some friends. They went to dinner, and a movie and had a great time. She was so happy and relaxed when we got home Sunday morning. I'll have to try and make sure she has more evenings like that.

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