One year ago, I was sitting in my manager's office watching the news unfold on the TV. The astonishment that someone could actually run into one of the tallest buildings in the world. Then the chilling horror as the second plane hit the other building. By this time, a crowd was in my managers office watching. I will never forget the collective gasp that went up when the second plane hit, and everyone realized that this was no accident.
My brother lives in New York city. He had a job interview scheduled for 9am at the World Trade Center complex. Thankfully, my brother has never been able to get up early to save his life (and I guess, it might have), and had rescheduled it for 2pm that afternoon. He actually slept through the crashes until a friend of his called to check on him. He got online and IM'd me to let me know he was ok.
continue >>Wow...can you believe there is only 125 days left until Christmas? Ack! Quick!! Start shopping!
Heh. I know the 2 of you that are reading this are probably sittin' there in shorts (unless you're my mom) and thinking "OK, he's off his rocker". Well, OK, yeah, so I probably am. I just happened to be looking ahead in my calendar, figuring out when my classes were in such, when I decided to count the days.
One of things that bothers me about the holiday season (OK, one of many, but I'll wait until it gets closer to talk about them all) is when people ask me what I want. I have a pretty standard answer: Gift Certificates. I love getting gift certificates, because then I get to choose exactly what I want, the person shopping for me doesn't have shop for hours, and everyone is happy. Who wouldn't love getting gift certificates? I love getting gift certificates from Best Buy, Barnes & Nobel and Borders. Those are probably my favorites of the "Brick and Mortar" crew. I love Amazon gift certificates as well.
continue >>I was up late last night, watching The Green Mile and folding laundry. Folding laundry is a task I can do with minimal fuss, as long as I can watch the TV while doing it. So I usually get to fold the laundry. And I'm happy to do it, as long as there's something worth watching on. But I digress...
Anyways, I'm sitting there watching the movie and folding laundry at about 11 p.m. last night when I hear Cody get out of bed. He comes out of his room, and without really seeing me, he starts heading downstairs. I asked him where he was going, and he said he was getting some water for the clams. He stood there at the top of the stairs for a minute, while I held my silence waiting to see what he would do. When he didn't do anything for a minute or two, I told him to go back to bed. He simply turned around and climbed back into bed without any fuss.
At least he didn't feel the need to go to the store to get the dogs some dog food or anything.
My weekend was very unproductive, and goal-less. Well, I take that back; I did have one goal that I wanted to accomplish, and that was staying barefoot for all day on Sunday. And I accomplished it! Hooray for me. Other than that, I worked on the forums for my Harleyroads site, and I went to a friends house on Friday night. Taught them how to play Asshole, got them pretty torqued, and managed to get home around 3:30 in the morning. It was a lot of fun though.
continue >>While waiting for my pathetically slow Windows machine to build, I decided to write this entry. I did a quick bit of upkeep on the front page, namely taking off the hoopty cool fade on the buttons. As I've been using Mozilla more often, and it doesn't support that sort of thing, I found it more annoying than cool, so I did away with it.
I've also been using my Powerbook G3 a lot more. I could really get to like OS X. And at work, I burned out the video card on my older Mac desktop, so they gave me a new "Quicksilver" model. Woo...damn sexy beast of a machine. I love it! I might seriously consider getting a Mac for my next home computer. Who knows, maybe you'll see me on a "Switch" commercial.
My thoughts have been on home more than usual lately. Home being Arizona of course. I may have lived out here in Virginia for almost 4 years now, but AZ will always be my home. After this summer, I would gladly go back to 110 degree heat, as long as it meant not having to deal with 80% humidity on top of it. It's one thing to be 100 degrees. It's another to be 100 degrees with 95% humidity. I don't know how people stand it. Aside from a few short days last week, it's been like that all summer. Ugh. So yeah, give me the dry heat of the desert, or better yet, the cool air of the mountains. Man, I miss home.
I refuse to let July slip by with only one entry, such as June did. Makes it seem pointless to have a journal with only one entry a month. On the other hand, it seems pointless to have a journal whose entries lately consist of "I've been working", "I've been busy at work", and "Geez, it's been reallllly busy at work!"
So hopefully the rest of this journal entry will be everything BUT work.
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