// misc, personal
  • The spark of creativity has fizzled. Which is fine, as I've come to accept that it comes and goes.
  • It does leave several projects I had in progress or wanted to work on up in the air.
  • These included a new backend for this site (considering going to Statamic, and a completely new website dedicated to electronic music.
  • Instead of productive creativity, my brain is currently absorbed by slither.io. Talk about a fruitless endeavor. It is fun though, and not every moment needs to be filled with being creative.
  • These are lessons I've only really come to understand here in my mid 50s.
  • Mid 50s. Fuck I'm old.
  • In other news, the wife and I spent three nights out last week. For two people who tend to stay within their comfort zone, this was pretty amazing.
  • We went downtown to see Sarah and meet her boyfriend. We had dinner at Georgia Brown's. In a word: divine.
  • That was Monday. Tuesday, the Mrs. and I were back in DC to see the Nationals lose to the Rockies. Had a really good time and given how easy it is to get downtown now, we've decided we need to try to get to at least one more game before the season ends.
  • Wednesday we went to a brewery for their "One-hit Wonders" music trivia. Again, great time, and gave me ideas for my own music trivia, which was on...
  • Sunday, I hosted music trivia for the wine club at the winery the Mrs. works at on weekends. It was the first time I've done music-related trivia (I host trivia in a non-music format twice a month there), and it went over like gangbusters. From the patrons to the staff, I had nothing but compliments about what a good time they had and even praised my music selection. I'm very much looking forward to doing more music trivia type events.
  • This probably should've been a regular blog posting and not a list, but oh well.
// personal

Like many people, I have found myself a little less outgoing since Covid. Prior to 2020, I was involved in community theater, went camping often, and was at my local pub at least once a week. Several times, I organized happy hours for friends, and was much more outgoing.

After things opened back up and life started getting back to normal, I found I was just as happy staying at home and watching TV or playing on the computer. I don't go camping any longer (not having to sleep on the ground is ok by me!), and I'm no longer invloved with theater in any way. My pub formally shut its doors during Covid, though if rumors are true, Covid was just the nail in the coffin.

So this year -- four years on since the first days of Covid which feels crazy to say -- I've made more of an effort to get out. If I'm invited somewhere, I make the effort to join. Further, I've started hosting trivia at the winery the wife works at. I spend about four hours researching categories and questions and twice a month I drive with the wife out to the winery and host a two-hour trivia tournament. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm really enjoying having something to look forward to, that gets me out of the house.

Plus, I get paid, which is nice bonus! Helps me pay for those things I want but never get myself as alluded to in my last post.

// misc, personal

My dad preferred to use the term "Frugal" as opposed to being "Cheap". After my parent's divorce, his frugality escalated, with him not wanting to shell out for things he deemed "unneccesary". When I was in high school he didn't want to pay for a yearbook, nor a class ring. Getting him to help with money for band trips was a chore. He also took to buying the store brands of everything he could. Some things would make sense; bleach, for example, I get. I mean, bleach is bleach. One time he bought the store brand version of Velveeta, but it was so bad even my dog wouldn't eat it. But that didn't stop him from saying "We can't buy Velveeta until this one is gone". Needless to say, chunks of that "Processed Food Loaf" (literally what is was called) disappeared when he wasn't around. In the garbage, over the back fence, etc.

I tell this because I, unfortunately, have some of the same tendencies. I have a hard time spending money on things not only do I deem not necessary, but things I actually want, but feel like I can either find alternatives to, or flat out don't deserve.

Recently, say over the past 6 months or so, I've made a conscious effort to not be so miserly. The wife has a subscription to a food delivery that shows up once a week, with all natural, organic, locally grown vegetables, eggs, butter, etc. I know that's not cheap, but I'm managing to not stress about it.

When shopping, I was buying the store brand flavored seltzers, even though I discovered I really liked the cherry version of Bubly water. I finally told myself it was ok to spend a little more for something I enjoy.

As a web developer, I've used VS Code as my IDE of choice for years, which we also use at work. It's free, and to be fair, it's a great editor. But as the saying goes, "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Microsoft, which owns and distributes VS Code, has a bunch of data collection in how their app is used. So, like Facebook and Twitter (yes, I'm deadnaming), if it's free, your data is how they make their money.

I've long admired Panic as a company and used Transmit back in the day. Sometime back, they released Nova, a native Mac code editor. I really liked it, but only used it as long as the trial lasted, because it was $100 bucks. This past week, I downloaded it again, and after just two days playing with it, paid for the license. It just feels good to support the smaller code shops. Kind of like shopping at local bookstores, as opposed to simply ordering something online.

The culmination of all this relaxing of the purse strings, was a new Mac Studio. I've had a 2015 MacBook Pro as my personal machine since, well, 2015. The Mac Studio is the first computer I've purchased for myself in nearly a decade. And while I hemmed and hawed about it for ages, I finally took myself over to the Apple Store and purchased the base model. There were arguments for getting the Mac Mini, but I'm hoping to do more video editing, and still am doi...

continue >>
  • Both the Mrs. and I have this cough that just won't go away. As a result, NYE was spent at home, with her in bed early and me watching football.
  • Truth to tell, this isn't much different from our normal NYE celebrations; it's probably our least favorite holiday, and we tend to stay at home regardless.
  • Overall, the holdays were low-key. Sarah came up Christmas Eve, and we did our gift dice game exchange Christmas morning, with my mom and our friend Gina.
  • I made brunch, which consisted of the world's best breakfast potatos, eggs, bacon, sausage, and english muffins.
  • For my birthday, the Mrs. gave me a very generous gift card to Sweetwater, and now I'm paralyzed with indecision. So. Many. Things.
  • Also for my birthday, my son took advantage of the Steam Winter Sale, and bought Cyberpunk 2077 for me. I've been enjoying the hell out of my first real computer game in ages.
  • As for Christmas, I received some fingerless gloves for typing (my hands get cold easily), and a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tote bag.
  • Aside from the completely obvious, it was also easy to tell we had a low-key Christmas on trash day: We had our normal one-trash-can, one-recycle-bin out. The neighbors around us, who all have kids at home, had piles.

On to 2024. May yours be full of hope and love.


// personal

Yesterday was my birthday, and it was one of the better ones in a long time. It was just the Mrs. and I for the day, and we went up to Frederick to play pinball at Spinners and then spent the rest of the day in downtown Frederick itself, doing some last minute Christmas shopping. We had a lovely lunch at The Orchard, and later in the evening, when it was dark, we went to see the boats along Carroll Creek Park. Every year they have lighted boats and they're all amazing.

It was pretty much a perfect day.