// misc

I refuse to let July slip by with only one entry, such as June did. Makes it seem pointless to have a journal with only one entry a month. On the other hand, it seems pointless to have a journal whose entries lately consist of "I've been working", "I've been busy at work", and "Geez, it's been reallllly busy at work!"

So hopefully the rest of this journal entry will be everything BUT work.

continue >>
// misc

whew Long time no post. No real reason for lack of updates. I can do this from work, from home, from anywhere I have net access. That's the wonderful thing about Blogger, I can update from pretty much anywhere.

Harleyroads.com is coming along. I'm halfway through my models section. Once I get that up, I'll probably open the site, and then finish it as I go. I'm getting excited about it.

Otherwise, it's the same old same old. Kids and I are going down to my moms for the 4th of July weekend. Gail is staying here to work at her part time job, full time. She took a weeks vacation from her full time to work full time at the part time, while her part time boss(es) go on vacation.

Get all that? :)

// misc, geek

I'm tired. And I'm whiny. And I don't wanna do anything but sit here and do nothing. Perhaps that's part of the problem. That's what I'm doing.

I'm feeling so lethargic right now. I don't feel like doing anything at all. Even if my boss came in and said "Shad, take the rest of the day off, and go home", I couldn't say that I would go home and do something productive, like yard work, or fun, like riding my bike. I'd probably end up in bed. I'm SLEEPY.

Getting back into the habit of writing stuff down is harder than I thought it would be. I keep finding myself putting it off, with one excuse after another. So why do I bother? Well, I like reading what I was thinking prior. I'm also trying to get into the habit because I want to keep a journal when I go on my trip to Sturgis this coming August. My buddy Jeff and I are riding there and back. No trailering of the bikes will be happening here. It's just something I've always wanted to do. And I want to record my thoughts about the trip as I go. I think I'll have to resort to keeping my journal the old fashioned way, with pen and paper, but I'm going to write in it every night. And take pictures. I want to take lots of pictures.

I think it's also time to redesign the site. It is spring time after all, time to do a little spring cleaning. I think something simple, brighter, and easier to maintain will fit the ticket just right. No idea when I'll get to it though. Still have to finish Harleyroads.com, my brother wants me to do a Tribes2 site for his tribe, and I need to get on the ball and get Gail's site, and her DAR site up and going.

Damn, now wonder I'm so tired. I never have time. And dang...just remembered Cody has a baseball game tonight. Ugh.

I think I need a pillow in my office.

// misc

Damn, it's cold outside!

Thought it was supposed to start getting warmer as the month progressed, not colder! I think I did more riding in the month of January than I have in the month of March. That's messed up.

Well, regardless of the weather, it was a nice weekend. Gail and I went to the Opera on Friday night and had a good time. Then on Saturday night, we went to an Italian restaurant called Maggianos. Damn, talk about good food. I think I have a new favorite restaurant.

Other than that, it was a quiet weekend. Jeff and I are starting to plan for our Sturgis trip in August. Can't wait!

// misc

Welp. It's been awhile. I was hosting my personal site under the Harleyroads.com domain, but in December I let that lapse because I didn't want to pay another 100+ bucks.

My brother Seth said he was going to be able to host my site(s), so I just cancelled the service and waited. I created a new look for the site while waiting, and while there's still some stuff to do, I like the layout and look, and can hopefully stick with this one for awhile (I'm really bad at sticking to a layout...)

Now hopefully I can get back into the habit of using Blogger to write my thoughts down.