
// personal

I had to run outside at about 5:30 this morning to chase my dog around the house. He was barking his head off, and I didn't want him to disturb the neighbors. What he was barking at, I don't know. We did a couple of laps around the house before I managed to catch him, and he barked every where he went. I guess he was just telling the neighborhood to get up. It was also damn chilly outside this morning. Didn't help that I was chasing after the dog in just a t-shirt and light cotton shorts. Fall is definitely here.

My old roommate, Mike, called last night. It was great to hear from him. Being outside in the cold this morning reminded me of when we roomed together in his house back in Flagstaff. The house was pretty nice; 3 bedrooms, a huge deck, and right on the dog-leg of the 6th hole on the Country Club golf course. And the price was right (though I was always behind on giving him money for bills and such). The house was originally built as a summer cabin, and as such, wasn't insulated against the cold weather we got in Flagstaff.

Mike and I would sit in the living room, playing Nintendo (Legend of Zelda!) and would literally have blankets and comforters wrapped around us as we sat on the couch. I imagine it was a pretty strange sight: two big lumps with the wires for the controllers snaking under the blankets, and just our eyes and noses sticking out (and even then, it was debatable on the noses). It would be late November, we'd both be blue, the soda in our cups would be slushy, and you'd see our breath before we'd kick the heat on. And that's because once the heat started, it never seemed to turn off. Talk about no insulation!

At this time, we'd usually go back to my bedroom to watch TV, or movies. For some strange reason, my room was the warmest in the house. And it got warm. Toasty warm. Sit around in your shorts warm. Not that I complained too much. I was able to crack a window, and usually left it open all winter. But it wasn't unusual for someone to come visit, and find everyone else crammed into my room watching my little TV.

Ahh, those were the days :)

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