Gotta Be Careful

// funny

Heading to class last night, I decided to stop at the friendly neighborhood 7-11 to get a coke. I needed the caffiene, as I had gotten precious little sleep the night before. One of my moose (read: dogs) had decided to poop on the rug in the basement rather than go outside and get wet in the rain. At 1 a.m., I was woken up by the smell of dog poop. Wonderful. After cleaning it all up, and locking the dog in the mud room, I was wide awake, so I started to read a bit. I ended up finishing the book I was reading and didn't get back to bed until about 4. But anyhow...

So I stopped at 7-11 to get a coke. Now, I'm sure many of you have been in a 7-11, and know how they have their fountain machines set up. Cups all loaded in spring-loaded canisters, so there's always one there for you to grab, right below the fountains themselves.

Well, I go in, grab my cup of choice (only a 32 oz. Trying to cut back ;), and noticed that the other cups tried to launch out of the cup-holder canister there. I noticed that these things are right at crotch level as I wrestled to get them back in there.

You can see what's going to happen here, can't you?

So, I get them back in, all is good, load the cup up with ice, start pouring my coke, the cups in the spring-loaded canister slip, they shoot out, and wham! get me right between the legs. My legs crossed, my eyes crossed, all the while, I'm trying not to spill the coke. I managed to fill it, grab a lid and straw, and shuffle over to the register.

I thought the guy behind the counter was going to split his turban trying not to laugh at me. He mumbled sorry, gave me my change, and as soon I was headed out the store, he started to chuckle.

Next time I go to 7-11, I'm wearing a cup to protect me from their cups.

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