I follow many YouTube channels from creative types, mostly in the electronic music space. Easily one of my top five favorites -- LNA Does Audio Stuff -- is holding a "Creativity Challenge" for the month of December. From the Challenge site:

12 Days of creativity is a production challenge, designed to help, guide, and inspire music makers to finish their songs. The intent is to challenge producers and musicians to finish a track in 12 - steps during December. It is based on creative workflows, proven to enhance confidence in the artists' skills and creativity, as well as limit insecurities during and after the process.

I'm going to give this a shot, and I'm going to (attempt to) track my progress here. I have too many DAWs, more VST plugins than I should, and a ton of samples along with a subscription to Loopcloud. For all that, I don't have a single complete song. I have a ton of ideas, four- and eight-bar loops, even a piece that's close to a minute long... but nothing that's actually complete.

I hope to change that with this challenge. I don't expect the finished piece I come up with to be any good. I just want something that actually sounds like a complete song: Intro, buildup, chorus, drop, outro... you get the idea.

So here we go, with fingers crossed (though that makes working the keyboard tricky). First up: Drums!

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