Day 1 of the 12 Days of Creativity starts off with the foundation of pretty much all EDM, drums. As I don't know what sort of piece I'm creating yet, I'm going with a typical four-on-the-floor type of beat, at 128bpm.

One of the (many) challenges I've had when creating is getting lost in the myriad of sounds I've curated over the years. I've yet to really organize my drum hits, and if you were to look in my favorites, I have all of three, and all of them are kicks. So I started there. I auditioned the three kicks (didn't take long!) and then moved on. This is going to be my kick, this is what I'm going to work with, onto the next piece of the kit.

The only real pattern I had in mind, was an off-beat hi-hat. So that went in on the "and" of the "one-e-and-a" when counting. And after the kick and hat, what would you think is typically next? If you said snare, you'd be right! (I would've accepted clap as well 😉)

After the snare, I started filling in the spaces; added a shaker, an open hat, ride cymbal, and three different congas. I don't want to overwhelm myself, and I think it's fairly busy as it is. The thought process behind this is to add bits and pieces of this kit in, one at a time, until eventually they're all a part of the song. The whole composition won't be this busy. Hopefully!


Once I had a pattern that I was OK with, I started trying to give it a bit more life, so to speak. To make it sound less robotic, I've introduced various velocity levels on the congas, shakers, ride, and snare. The kick I left as is. After velocity, I played with the panning a bit, but tried not to go too crazy. Congas are where I spent most of that effort, and the shaker received a bit of the same treatment. I also nudged the midi notes off the grid in places.

And to get a bit weird and goofy, I did one last thing: In my snare effects chain, I have a distortion device. Bitwig (my DAW of choice. For the moment.) has wonderful modulators. I attached a random modulator to the Bell Filter Frequency and have it bouncing around the spectrum and it mixes up the sound quite nicely. Definitely makes it more interesting!


That's about it. I have a nice four-bar loop, and I've completed Day 1. Huzzah! 🎉

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