Back in Gravity

// geek

Yup. I did it again. Switched out my current Content Management System (CMS) for something new.

Or, in this case, old.

I'm back in Grav CMS, having grown tired of having weird issues happening with my domain on Github Pages. Sometimes it would just not load, other times I would get weird errors. I decided I wanted to move it more "in house" as it were.

My original idea behind moving to Jekyll was to have something I could use on my iPad, that was also a flat file system. Based on other bloggers I follow, I chose Jekyll after trying a few others (including Grav). After much swearing, configuring, and experimenting, I finally found something that worked with my iPad.

And then I realized my setup only worked with my iPad. What if I wanted to update from my laptop, or work computer? Sure, I could configure either to push to my Github repo that stored the jekyll files, and it wouldn't have been that difficult even. I don't have any good excuse for not setting those up, other than being lazy.

Plus, while I do consider myself a geek, I consider myself a creative geek; meaning I want more than just a command line or blank text file. I want the dashboard, I want the simplicity of the GUI, I want the pretty buttons.

So, I'm back to Grav CMS, and back to my own hosting provider. That's the plan at least. I've spent the better part of three days moving older posts out of Jekyll (and the Wayback Machine from an old domain I'd forgotten about) into Grav CMS and setting up the blog to look similar to what was already there (added a sidebar on the home page this time around. Gotta have some fancy widgets yanno). So, currently, I'm still only seeing pages served up by my localhost. But I think I'm pretty close to prime time with this new iteration of the blog.

But not tonight. Had to take my ma down to NC so she could get the title to her car in her name only, so she could register the car here in VA. But that'll be a story for another day.

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