Ah, November. Woke up this morning, peeked outside, and saw a sheen of frost on the cars. Guess Fall is finally and truly here. Part of me is thinking I should be out on the bike every second I get, before the riding season is over and done with. The other part of me is thinking "alright! SNOW is on it's way!!!"

In case you haven't guessed, I LOVE the snow. I love cold weather. I love it when it's like 20 below, the wind is blowing, the snow is falling, and it's just crap outside. I love that.

Yeah, well, same to you.

Halloween has come and gone, and I swear, these kids are just getting rude. Were we like this when we went trick or treating? They rush up to the door, half the time they don't say trick or treat, and the other half of the time, they don't say thanks. When we went trick or treating, we said all the proper things, and were usually polite. Oh, and we tee-pee'd houses.

Gail just IM'd me, said we should be practicing Tantric Sex. I don't even know what the hell Tantric Sex is, but apparently Sting swears by it. I also told her I was going to put this in my journal, and she said go for it. I think either a) she doesn't believe me, or b) she doesn't think anyone reads my journal. Which is probably true. Although I know my mom reads it.

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