Slacker No More

// personal

Updating here has come pretty much to a standstill, but I’m hoping to remedy that soon. I’ve decided that rather than bemoan the fact that I have too many interests (writing, music, photography, web design, etc…), and then get overwhelmed and not do anything towards being creative, I’m going to instead set aside time for each pursuit. Rather than focus on one, I’m going to dabble in all.

What’ll make this fun/frustrating is that I’m horrible with time management, and I can be seriously lazy. So we’ll see where this gets me. I’ve been thinking about this for the better part of two weeks, so I’m hoping when my 40th birthday rolls around (23rd of December for those keeping track at home and want to buy me something), that I’ll have a basic list of the things I want to accomplish, and a basic schedule of how I’m going to accomplish it.

Wish me luck.

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