Resolutions Revisited

// personal

As with many other people, I tend to make New Year's Resolutions every January. Typically, I've forgotten about them by Febuary. This year, I'm actually still focused on a couple of them, which is rather surprising.

Here were my resolutions:

  • Lose Weight
  • Get more organized
  • Work more on getting a small music studio setup

The losing weight is actually going well, though I haven't been doing it the whole time. I've only started dieting in the last week, but at least I'm making a conscious effort to lose weight now. I've also probably worked out more in the past 4 months than I did all of last year. Having a diet buddy helps, someone I can talk to when I need advice or motivation. Although her last journal entry will probably give me an upset stomach. Thong?!? Moi?! icky.

Getting myself more organized is still in the works as well. I've been trying to keep track of the finances with Quicken, and I rescued an older Compaq PDA from the trash heap, fixed it, and now keep track of my appointments and tasks through it. Hopefully soon I'll transfer my address book over to it. It's a neat little gadget, and while it uses Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 and Microsoft's Outlook to do everything, it at least works. While I do like using Linux, and more recently have moved over to the Mac OS X platform, it was nice to have something sync up correctly the first time I hooked it up. All I had to do was download ActiveSync off Microsoft's website, and everything was groovy after that. That's nice for a change.

As for the music studio I want, well, I still haven't forgotten about that. I want to get something like Propellerhead's Reason, a small keyboard, Yamaha Tone Generator, and a nice pair of studio speakers. Unfortunately, this is all very expensive, and just one more expensive hobby for me to start. So, we're concentrating on the cheaper stuff first.

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