
// geek

I'm not sure I could tell you how many blogs I've started over the years. I used to blog before it was called blogging, and was manually adding entries to HTML pages. While I might have been doing this for well over 20 years, I've certainly not been doing this consistently. Hopefully this time will be a bit different.

I like to write, when the mood strikes, and having a place to write about whatever I feel like writing about will be nice. As stated on the homepage, there's not really going to be any sort of focus; whatever strikes my fancy I suppose. There'll be talk of tech/geeky stuff, and music as well. Might be some photography plus the occasional photograph. Babbling mostly.

As this is the inaugural post, let me introduce myself. I'm Shad (my initials are SKI, hence the domain), an Arizona native currently living in Northern Virginia. I've lived here with my family for over twenty years now, and man does time fly. I work as a front end developer, but mostly I fix what the back end developers don't want to bother with. Which is mostly OK. I'm your typical suburbanite, with two kids (both grown), a house in the 'burbs, a truck, a motorcycle, and a wife who wishes I was was handier at fixing things. I'm one of those guys who can turn a two hour job into something that lasts all day with two or three trips to Home Depot or the auto parts store.

This website itself is pretty bare bones, and I plan on keeping it that way for the foreseeable future. Hopefully this helps me focus on the content rather than the presentation of said content. But I will give some of the geeky details: As of June of 2019, I'm using Grav to run it, as I a) like playing around with new CMS's and b) didn't feel like I need a database for anything. I'm running it with the Admin plugin to just make things a bit easier. It's running the Bootstrap Blog theme by Ayoze Hernández Díaz.

And that's about it. Like I said, trying to keep it bare bones.

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