Overcoming Apathy

// personal

I’m going to set myself a goal for this month: to actually finish something. Whether it’s a song, or a website or a story... I’m going to work on something until I consider it complete.

And then, perhaps, I’ll actually publish that piece.

If it’s a website, that wouldn’t be a big deal; I’ve done several. The one I’m currently contemplating is an overhaul of an existing freelance project. Up until I came onboard, they were using full pages for each section. Meaning that if I made a change on the menu, I had to make that change on each page, as each page had their own menu. So very much in dire need of an overhaul. The tricky part is that the owner has no interest in updating. I don’t think he knows what he’s missing, so my goal, if I go that route, will be to make a site the he likes enough to pay me for it.

I have an embarrassing amount of music clips in my project folders. I can’t even call them unfinished songs, as I think the longest of them comes in a 32 bars or something. Mostly they’re just loops.

Similarly for my writing folder. Mostly short stories, some longer pieces, some are just a sentence or two of an idea. Fleshing them into something I think worth publishing (or, at the very least, posting here) would be a worthwhile goal.

Another option that I considered after writing this (And am editing the next day after originally posting), is fixing up my bass and/or guitar. I have an old hollow body guitar, as well as a bass down in my workshop, both in pieces. The guitar (I’d have to look to see what brand) is a hand-me-down from my dad, a guitar he purchased after remarrying. His second wife played guitar, and he decided to take a stab at it. Thankfully that marriage didn’t last, nor did his desire to learn to play. I’ve had the guitar ever since. I’d taken it apart as a kid (dumbass kid) to paint it, but never got much beyond sanding the neck a bit. I even still have all the parts in a box somewhere.

The bass guitar, which I believe is an old Carvin bass, came into my possession via an old college roommate who skipped out owing rent. He left behind the bass, I guess as some sort of payment. The bass I actually did manage to dismantle and sand down to wood. I’m not sure I have the parts, but of the two, I’d rather have the bass functioning, more so than the guitar.

It might be a tough goal to meet. Much like everything else in my life right now, the desire to accomplish something is there, but the drive is practically nil. I find that during the day, I’m more energized to work on something. However, I’m kinda supposed to be doing actual work during the day. Not screwing around trying to create something I can take a bit of pride in. And by the time the evening rolls around and the evening “chores” have been done (go for a walk, figure out dinner, clean the kitchen, etc.), any energy I had for creative pursuits has faded.

Every week feels more and more like Groundhog Day.

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