It's Only Fun Until...

// personal

Our neighbor across the street had her house vandalized sometime last night. When I first peeked out, I thought it had just been TP'd. It was much more than that, however. The idiots who did this smeared Crisco on the door and front steps, stuck sanitary napkins with ketchup smeared on them all over the garage, poured Fruit Loops in the lawn, threw tampons all over the place, cut up dead fish and threw them everywhere, and pulled up her recently planted flowers and put them in the mailbox.

As a kid, I did my share of TP'ing. But this went way beyond a prank. Obviously, this is the work of some kids, and apparently they have a bone to pick with one of her kids. They just don't understand that it's not the kid they're "getting back" at, but it's the parents who suffer. She might have to replace the garage door because of this idiocy. She did call the cops and file a report, and they have an idea of who it might be, but proving it will be a whole other story.

To top this all off, our neighbor is getting married on Saturday and is expecting a bevy of relatives, including her soon to be Mother-in-law. She doesn't need this kind of crap.

Gail called and we were talking about it. I told her to go buy her some new flowers, and get them planted for her. Hopefully that'll cheer her up.

Jackasses. I hope they get caught.

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