I Can See The Light

// personal

Yes, it's true. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel called Spring Semester. One more class (English) to go, and I can call it quits for the summer.

After spending about 2 weeks on my presentation for my business class, it turned out that we simply didn't have the time. Half the class didn't get to give their presentations. Personally, I was kind of put out. I would have liked to present my nifty-keen Power Point presentation on Harley-Davidson. As it is, I made the teacher watch my intro anyways. Ah well, she seemed to like it. After that, we graded our finals. She had us trade with one another and then we grade that paper. Right off the bat, everyone got 5 points because this was an older quiz she hadn't had time to update, so some of the questions weren't in the chapters covered. Then after the grading, we discussed some of the questions. In all, she gave everyone an extra 8 points. So my grade on the final? Out of a possible 100, I got 106.

Go figure.

I'm 99.99% certain that I have an A in my Business class. My English class, which I have my final in this Monday, I'm not so certain. I'm thinking I'll have a B...which, in reality, isn't a big deal, and might even be better if I DID get a B. I think it's cool having a 4.0 and all, but I don't want to kill myself just trying to get a 4.0. I just want that piece of paper that says "I'm Smart! S-M-R-T that spells Smart!" As long as I earn my degree, I'm not going to worry if I have a 4.0 or not.

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