For Real and Really Busy

Well, looks like it's time for a real entry. If you look below this one, you'll see about a bajillion testing entries. I thought I had the issues solved, only to realize I didn't so I had to fix the problem, then re-test. I think this entry will work just fine. And if not...well, so be it

October certainly has sped right along on it's merry way. The leaves are turning gorgeous colors. There's a tree on my block that's half red and half green right now, it's the coolest thing. If I remember, I'll take picture of it, and stick it up on the page. Along with the changing of the leaves comes the changing of the weather. It's definitely getting cooler. When I ride the bike to work in the morning, my cheeks are frozen by the time I get to work. I imagine I'll be switching to a full face helmet pretty soon here, but it's so gorgeous in the afternoons that I haven't done it yet.

I've decided I like this new design, at least enough to keep it online and write journal entries without deleting pages because I'm tired of them. I'm hoping to put Shads Pad under my other domain soon, and get it out from the domain. If my brother gets this job he's been talking about, it might happen soon. Which would be cool.

We're entering the busy season now. By "we" I mean Gail and I. Starting with Sarah's birthday we then have Cody's shortly after, Cody's cousin's right before that, Thanksgiving, our Anniversary, then my birthday, Christmas, New Years, Gail's brother's birthday, and then Gail's birthday. My wallet is going to have nothing but lint in it when this is all said and done :)

And in other news, the new/old Jackie Chan movie is opening up tonight! Hooray! Those of you who know me, know how much I like Jackie Chan movies. I will be writing a review and putting it up on my movies page after I see it tonight. Can't wait!

Hasta Linguini!

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