Butt Genie

// misc, funny

Some days I look upon my wife with awe and wonder, simply amazed by her beauty, her compassion, her inner child. And other days, I look upon her, and go "you are such a dork"...

Take last night for instance. She told me about this dream she had. It was one of those dreams you have that incorporate reality into your dream. We were snuggling in bed, and I was rubbing her butt, simply 'cause I know she likes her butt rubbed (yeah, alright, I like rubbing it too. So sue me.) and she dreamt that as I was rubbing her butt, this pink smoke came out of her ass and consolidated into a genie, who then proceeded to give me three wishes.

No more ice cream for her before she goes to bed!

And for those of you wondering, yes, I rubbed her butt a lot trying to get the genie to come out.

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