Busy Busy Busy

// geek

At work, we are currently working on getting the client for China working. For the longest time, my main job didn't have anything to do with the client itself. Instead, I worked on getting our Internet Appliances out the door to different people around the company. Not a real demanding job, rather a boring, and degrading one to some extent.

Well, last week, my boss called me into his office and said that he wanted me to handle the address book for the China client. This is a HUGE task, and I get to do it. gulp While it's cool that he trusts me with this, I haven't done any of the sort of coding required for this for almost 3 years. And what I did before hand was piddly stuff. This is huge, major, push it out the door code...eeeep

So anyway, I'm in major panic mode. Guess we'll see what comes of it.

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