2025 Goals

// personal

Going into the new year, I've been thinking about resolutions and accomplishments. I have a list of things I'd like to achieve this year, and I thought I would write them down here so I can revisit at the end of the year.


  • Exercise more. Not necessarily to lose weight (though lord knows I have a lot of weight I could lose), but just to be more mobile. Less sitting in front of the devices and more moving the limbs.
  • Break the habit of eating while watching sitcoms. I can finish a sandwich in 10 minutes, but I have 15 more minutes of sitcom to watch, so I feel the need to find something else to eat while finishing the show. Stop it.
  • Get outside. I work from home and spend a lot of time indoors. I need more fresh air!
  • Look into therapy. I believe my mental state deteriotated during the pandemic and never fully recovered. It might be beneficial to talk to someone about things


  • Get at least one of the following projects done:
    • Redo upstairs bathroom
    • Paint main floor
    • New counters, backsplash, paint, and bar for the kitchen
    • De-junglefy the backyard
    • Replace driveway


(wasn't sure how to title this one)

  • Become more of an "anti-capitalist".
    • Attempt to repair/upgrade before buying new.
    • Don't fall prey to needing the "latest and greatest"
    • If I do need to purchase something (big ticket items), research for reliability and longevity
  • Ignore Social Media

    • deleted twitter
    • deleted tiktok (beat the gov't)
    • greatly reduced my facebook interactions, be it posting or even just visiting
    • greatly reduced my instagram interaction

    I'm sure there are many others I could (and should) reach for, but this is a start. I might revisit this post as I think of other things to add.

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